Sunday, September 23, 2018

Math and Science 9/24 and 9/25


Home Practice: Worksheet in Google Classroom

By using standard multiplication  algorithms students will be able to calculate multiplication problems which include decimals.

Introduction/Do Now
Activity:   2x2 digit multiplication   Time:   10  mins

Learning Segment 1
Activity:   Direct Instruction   Time:   25   mins
  • INB
    • Steps for multiplying with decimals.
Learning Segment 2
Activity:   Collaborative   Time:   25   mins
  • Research Poster
    • Students are going to use a chromebook to research the steps on how to multiply with decimals, and make a poster using construction paper
Learning Segment 3
Activity:    Video      Time: ______ mins
Closure with Assessment
Activity:   Exit Ticket   Time:   5   mins
  • 1 multiplying by decimals question


No Home Practice

Apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer.*
Objectives: Students will use the kinetic theory of heat to explain why food coloring spreads through hot water more quickly by completing a lab at 80% or more.

Introduction/Do Now

Activity:___Review/Activate prior knowledge - watch the video in google classroom and answer the question - You have water in a liquid, solid, and gas form. Which one has a higher temperature? How do you know?  __________________________Time: ___10___ mins

Learning Segment 1
Activity:_____students research kinetic molecular theory of heat - and form a hypothesis Time: __10____ mins

Learning Segment 2
Activity:_________moving molecules experiment _________________ Time: ___30___ mins

Learning Segment 3
Activity:________answer questions about the experiment______________ Time: __20____ mins

Closure with Assessment
Activity:___________quizziz _________________ Time: ______ mins

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